October 26- November 4 2020,
with Paula Caspão, Quim Pujol, Joachim Hamou, Alix Eynaudi
Noa & Snow travels to the ICI-CCN Montpellier between the 26th of October and the 4th of November 2020, involving time spent together with the EXERCE students/researchers/artists, followed by a week of residency and a public opening on the 2nd of November.
Des livres stationnés au bord les uns des autres. Certains métamorphosant nos yeux, piquants à la nuit tombée qui n’en finit de tomber. Un mouvement dans le temps -contourner les livres- un geste éditorial qui s’inscrit dans des mots-sorts jetés avec application. Paraphraser, nous appuyer sur / dans les présences et les mots: transformer ce que nous touchons en livre; doubler leurs/nos langages, litoralement.
Publier et oublier. Y retomber, en déli(v)rer des traductions. Nous pratiquerons des écritures, de celles qui se livrent ensemble sans communalité particulière — un événement prend la forme d’un livre, publié, corné, un qui s’appuie sur nos textes intérieurs, les voix qui lisent pour nous, par nous, dans nos danses.
Une ouverture publique sous forme de publication. Des champs de recherche se déploient sous nos piétinements de ce début novembre: les crédits, les manières d’emprunter, de cr-éditer, de crédibiliser… de (se sentir) toucher/touché.e et d’en rendre compte(s), des dyslexies et leurs (dys)lexiques.
to scriptlessness, extra-creditorialization in the glee(ssant) fred moten somethings we wrote with through the ruins of gamification anne boyer, brian eno, john cale pants in the stars, lydia mcglincheying themselves away, resting in dances and their zombie geologies—— meteorologies/methodologies of what itinerates through the month, persons, seasons, befriending everyday m(onu)ments, a place in which to conjure a mood, acknowledging its kathleen stewart mists avery gordon ordinary hauntings.
we are word collectors/gatherers/hoarders/antiquarians/amasser, don’t feel like being,
don’t feel like being,
don’t feel like being.
we feel like writing ourselves away where the emancipatory blues were always monique wittig encoded, dressed in comfortable long range acoustic devices, caconrading parades of instruction manuals, turning them into spells: words that matter in the book of mutter in ordure to parasite meanings we draw (magical circles) but the lines move round in the stars, we seek accomplices, a paula caspão force-field eleni stecopoulos’ parasite of meaning.
stationed at the edge of each other, caught in a present which began some time ago, we unburden (a word) - de-burden - de-alphabetize, undomesticate - quim pujoling a space in absence. type b joachim hamou toujou’ online materiality driving us through the sub-burbs of a library, a narration that welcomes what it finds. we lost their sentence, lots of sentences.
in ici-ccn montpellier we dance in and out of confinement, working in the fields of an hp officejet pro x551dw that slugs into plasticised leitz photogenic texts, killer of series, a full moon fell on halloween, each book soon to dance girl, woman, bernadine evaristo